The Ultimate Guide To Become A Better Leader In Turbulent Times

Go from struggling to keep your staff motivated while meeting your KPIs to

becoming the leader who does both with ease.

A 3-step action plan to become a better leader in turbulent times.

All you need to do is sign up on the form below and the guide is delivered straight to your inbox. There is no risk and the results are guaranteed.

As a leader, I know time is of the essence so in this free leadership guide:

  1. We get straight to the point with the 3 actions steps to improve your leadership
  2. An implementation plan with a starting point that you can integrate immediately

Meet The Author

Dana Hayes-Burke is a Business Strategist, Coach/Consultant and International Conference Speaker. She is also a skilled trainer and teacher with over 10 years in the training and development field. Dana is known for getting results as she brings simplicity to complicated problems and turns them into actional steps.

Over the past decade, Dana Hayes-Burke has led an impressive career with her work to support small businesses in the Caribbean region. She has served entrepreneurs and small businesses in Grenada, Barbados, St. Lucia, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, the USA and the UK. In 2021, her research on the internationalization process of small businesses in the manufacturing sector of Trinidad was published in the International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business.